Create Realistic Cracked Skin using Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial

Create Realistic Cracked Skin using Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial
 Create Realistic Cracked Skin using Photoshop

This video will teach you how to create realistic Cracked Skin effect using Photoshop in details .

1: Drag image of girl into Photoshop.
2: Drag and drop 2nd cracked image in Photoshop and adjust as in video.
3: Remove extra part after doing opacity low of cracked image .
4: Make opacity full of cracked image then change blending options to multiply.
5: Then go to levels after selecting cracked image then make inverse after then change levels as in video.
6: Select levels layer and make color black and white also select brush make opacity 28 present and move brush for darkening areas .
7: Select cracked layer then make opecity full and remove extra cracked paths .
8: Your Realistic Cracked skin effect is ready .
Hope this tutorial helps to expand your creative outlet. Thank you for watching :)



Artistic Mentor

Hi. I’m Mentor. I’m CEO/Founder of Artistic Mentor. I’m Tech you ALL Professional softwares in details ( Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Premire,Adobe Illustrtaor,Adobe after effects etc.

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